Our history
The history of Rusagro begins in 1995 with the import of sugar into Russia. Over time, the Company acquired a number of production facilities for sugar, as well as for oils and fats. It also acquired storage elevators and established its own land holding. In 2003, Rusagro Group LLC was founded. The Company’s development can be broken down into several key stages and events.

Business Division / Period and Stage




Oil and Fats



Launch of our Sugar and Agriculture businesses


We acquire our first sugar plants and launch sugar production in Belgorod Region.


We establish our own land holding for the growing of sugar beet and grain crops.

We acquire elevators for storing and trading grain.


Launch of our Oil and Fats Business and our first retail brand


Rusagro Group LLC is founded in 2003.


We launch our first retail sugar brand, Chaikofsky.

Oil and Fats

We acquire our first oils and fats production facility in Yekaterinburg.


Launch of our Meat Business and expansion of our Sugar Business


We expand our Sugar Business by acquiring two sugar plants in Belgorod and Tambov regions.

Our Mon Cafe and Brauni sugar brands are launched.


We increase our land holding to 380 ths ha.


Pork production commences in Belgorod Region.


Initial public offering (IPO) and purchase of our first oil extraction plant


An IPO of global depository receipts (GDRs) on the London Stock Exchange in 2011 raises USD 300 mn.

A dividend policy is adopted.


A new packaging line enters service and our Russkii Sakhar brand is launched.


We increase our land holding to 463 ths ha.

Oil and Fats

In 2011, we acquire an oil extraction plant in Samara Region.


In 2013, we open pig farms in Tambov Region.


Flotation on the Moscow Stock Exchange and the launch of abattoir operations


In 2014, the Company’s GDRs are admitted to trading on the Moscow Stock Exchange.


We modernise our sugar plants and increase the capacity of our pulp drying complexes.


We increase our land holding to 504 ths ha.

Oil and Fats

We modernise our oil extraction plant.


Abattoir operations commence in Tambov Region in 2015.


Business deal concluded with Razgulyay, secondary public offering (SPO)


An SPO of GDRs on the London Stock Exchange in 2016 raises USD 250 mn.


Three sugar plants in Kursk and Orel regions, a cereal plant, and a land holding are acquired from Razgulyay.

We launch our first molasses desugarisation plant.


Our land holding reaches a total of 665 ths ha.


Our first retail meat brand, Slovo Myasnika, is launched in 2016.


Business expansion and increase in exports


In 2020, the Company’s GDRs are included in the MSCI Russia Small Cap index.


Our second molasses desugarisation plant is launched in 2019.

Our sugar products are exported to 34 countries worldwide.


Our agricultural products are exported to 11 countries worldwide.

We deliver our first shipments of corn and soya to China.

Oil and Fats

In 2018, we gain the right to acquire a controlling stake in the company which owns Solnechnye Produkty.

We launch a vegetable oil production and bottling plant in Samara Region and a mayonnaise production facility in Atkarsk.

Our oils and fats are exported to 29 countries worldwide.

We see the first shipments of meal and the resumption of consumer margarine sales to China.


We acquire a 100% stake in KapitalAgro in 2018 and a 22.5% stake in Agro-Belogorye Group in 2019 — both pork producers in Belgorod Region.

We complete construction of a grain elevator and begin delivering sows to a pig breeder in Primorsky Territory.

Our pork products are exported to ten countries worldwide.



An SPO of GDRs in Ros Agro PLC is carried out by the majority shareholder.

The Rusagro Tech Challenge, a competition for innovative projects, takes place.


The first shipment of pulp is sent by rail to China.

Znamensky Sugar Plant is certified to produce organic sugar.


We take on a 12-month lease of 49 ths ha of farmland in Saratov Region.

Oil and Fats

Bottled sunflower oil is supplied to retail chains in China, and an oil and mayonnaise shop opens on an online marketplace.

The Company wins the Agro-industrial Exporter of the Year award.

The Company becomes the leading supplier of frying oil to the Russian HoReCa sector.

We acquire a further 25% stake in Primorskaya Soya LLC to consolidate 100% ownership of the company.


The Rusagro-Primorye compound feed plant is launched during the Eastern Economic Forum.

The Rusagro-Primorye LLC meat recovery and processing plant enters service.



Timur Lipatov is appointed Chief Executive Officer of Rusagro Group LLC.

Rusagro joins the AI Alliance.

Rusagro is rated Russia’s best employer in the Agriculture & Food Industry Trade & Production Companies category by RusBusinessConsulting (RBC) for the first time.


Healthy sugar products enter production.

We get organic certification for sugar production according to the requirements of GOST-33980.


The Company develops and launches a smart harvest planning system.

Oil and Fats

Rusagro’s Oil and Fats Business is recognised in two categories of the prestigious all-Russian Exporter of the Year awards.

Our first shipment of mayonnaise and sunflower meal to China is delivered.

Rusagro is awarded a KulibIT 2022 prize for digitalisation for the CRM Industrial Fats project.


We launch an electronic site visit monitoring system to improve biosecurity.

We pass a product quality and safety inspection by Mars.

Highlights of 2023

Rusagro Group is rated Russia’s best agricultural employer by HeadHunter

HR — February

Rusagro was one of 1,996 Russian employers that were rated, and was ranked 14th out of 103 major companies for the first time, taking first place in the Agriculture and Food Industry Trade and Production Companies category with a score of 107.39 points.

Admission of Ros Agro PLC GDRs to trading on the Astana International Exchange (AIX)

Share capital — March

As of 20 March 2023, global depository receipts (GDRs) representing Ros Agro PLC shares have been admitted to the official list and trading on the Astana International Exchange (AIX).

Rusagro’s Oil and Fats Business digitises and optimises sunflower seed logistics

Technology — April

To support its consultants, the Company has rolled out new Yard Management software (YMS) to optimise the process of interaction with farmers and increase transparency in terms of raw materials transportation. This has enabled it to significantly reduce the costs incurred due to inactive vehicles waiting for elevators to be unloaded. Raw materials can now be transported by suppliers as soon as the enterprise is ready to take them. This effective approach will now be rolled out across other logistical processes.

Rusagro closes deal to acquire 50% share and control of the NMGK Group

Deals — July

Rusagro’s control of NMGK (the Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fats Processing Plant) has enabled it to gain key positions in major B2C market segments, including becoming Russia’s No. 1 producer of mayonnaise and mayonnaise-based sauces and substantially strengthening its position in terms of the production of sunflower oil and related oilseed products, as well as in several other industrial fat product categories. This market position has meant that shareholders benefit from economies of scale, including optimised logistics and several other cost items, and has reduced purchasing prices. In addition, the combined Oil and Fats Business has benefited from the addition of the NMGK team and the exchange of best business practices. As part of the Company’s growth strategy, this deal has led to a significant increase in revenue.

Rusagro Group confirmed as third largest pork producer in Russia

Sales — February

A list of the 20 leading Russian pork producing companies was published by the National Pig Farmers’ Union. According to the Union, the Company’s share of the total industrial production volume in Russia is 6.4%. The total volume of industrial pork production was calculated based on the results of operations by Russian agricultural enterprises and household farms.

Meat Business completes upgrade of compound feed mill in Belgorod Region

Sales — March

The feed production department of Rusagro Group’s Meat Business has completed an upgrade of a compound feed mill in Ivnya, Belgorod Region. This has increased production capacity by 43%, from 14 to 20 tonnes per hour.

First combined shipment of sunflower meal and beet pulp to China

Sales — June

In 2023, Rusagro delivered its very first combined bulk cargo shipment of sunflower meal and beet pulp to China, totalling around 23 thousand tonnes of product. In the future, there are plans to ship grain as well, which should almost double the volume of a single shipment. Considerable savings can be made by combining bulk goods of the same type into a single large batch and loading them onto the ship at the same time.

Mars inspection successfully passed

Production — September

The meat processing plant in Primorsky Territory underwent an inspection by Mars with respect to the quality and safety of meat and bone meal production. The Company is organising its first deliveries of meat and bone meal for Mars. The inspectors noted the cleanliness of the meat processing plant and the technical semi-finished product workshop, as well as the high level of expertise among the food technologists’ team, quality control department, and production staff.

Oil and Fats Business wins five Exporter of the Year awards

Sales — September

In September 2023, Rusagro’s Oil and Fats Business was recognised in five categories of the prestigious all-Russian Exporter of the Year awards. Natalia Koroy, the head of the business, won the Best Female Exporter award in two federal districts. Zhirovoy Kombinat and Rusagro-Saratov won the Exporter of the Year nomination for finished food products (high added value) in the Big Business category. The NMGK Group took first place in the Exporter of the Year nomination for basic agricultural product, and Samaraagroprompererabotka (SAPP) came second.

Rusagro completes acquisition of 100% share and control of BioTekhnologii grain elevator

Deals — October

Rusagro has acquired a BioTekhnologii JSC grain elevator in Tambov Region. The elevator has sufficient capacity to store 240 thousand tonnes at a time, provides a full range of associated services, and can store crops such as wheat, barley, sunflower, triticale, corn, soya, rye, and so on. The acquisition of the grain elevator will enable the Company to cut storage costs, optimise logistics chains, and generally increase efficiency in the Agriculture Business.

Sugar Business products rated among Russia’s top 100

Sales — November

Brauni cane sugar, a Rusagro-Tambov product, was among the winners at the federal stage of Russia’s 100 Best Products 2023, a nationwide competition, and was awarded a gold quality mark. Russkii Sakhar was highly commended in the TS2 category and Chaikofsky sugar in the Extra category, with both being awarded silver quality marks.

Balakovo Oil Extraction Plant upgrade

Technology — December

The oil extraction plant’s processing capacity has been increased from 1.8 to 2.4 thousand tonnes of sunflower seeds per day. Up to 800 thousand tonnes of sunflower seeds are processed annually. This will enable the plant to produce record volumes of sunflower oil, granulated husk, and meal, in addition to improving product quality and achieving maximum efficiency.

Znamensky Sugar Plant named best in the industry for 2022

Sales — October

Based on the results of an annual expert analysis conducted by the Centre for Analytical Research, Rusagro Group’s Znamensky Sugar Plant was rated a Trusted Partner of the Central Federal District and declared the winner in the Best Enterprise in the Industry 2022 category.

Rusagro secures grant from Russian Information Technology Development Fund (RFRIT)

Technology — October

In a competitive selection process for implementing Russian IT solutions, Rusagro obtained a grant from RFRIT to develop a project entitled Finetuning and Rollout of a Crop Management System based on Russian Software. The project will involve rolling out a Russian-designed crop management system based on the Field History (“Istoriya polya”) cloud service, replacing a foreign IT solution.

Rusagro oil and fats products on the national commodity exchange

Sales — November

The Rusagro Group has launched organised exchange trading, which will be held in the form of auctions on the National Commodity Exchange starting on 1 January 2024.

Meat processing enterprise at Borshchevka passes inspection by Chinese delegation

Sales — December

A delegation from China’s General Administration of Customs visited the meat processing enterprise in Borshchevka, Tambov Region, in December 2023. The delegates reviewed the measures taken to ensure effective state control of product quality and assessed the readiness of Rusagro’s Meat Business to supply products to China. Based on the inspection results, the representatives of China’s customs administration noted a high level of readiness at the breeding and meat processing sites.

Key results of 2023
Rusagro is one of the largest vertically integrated agricultural holdings in Russia.
The Company accounts for a significant share of the domestic production of pork, sugar, agricultural products, and oils and fats. According to the final data for 2023, the number of Company employees averaged 23.1 thousand people, and total revenue, after inter-segment eliminations and reflecting other income, was RUB 277.3 billion.
  • Oil and Fats Business
  • NMGK
  • Sugar Business
  • Meat Business
  • Agriculture Business
Revenue1 RUB bn 277.3 +15% 35% 10% 21% 16% 18% Adjusted EBITDA RUB bn 56.6 +26% 23% 9% 32% 8% 28% 83,0 138,2 159,0 222,9 240,2 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 16,2 20,0 32,0 48,1 45,0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 66.5 RUB bn Net debt 1.18 Net debt / EBIDTA
Each segment’s share of the business is calculated without taking into account inter-segment eliminations and other income.Each segment’s share of the business is calculated without taking into account inter-segment eliminations and other income.
Sugar segment
Financial results
64.8 +31% RUB bn Revenue 19.2 +22% RUB bn Adjusted EBITDA 30% −2 p.p. EBITDA margin
32 +21% ths tonnes of betaine 1,067 +25% ths tonnes of sugar 277 +46% ths tonnes of pulp
Production 235 +19% ths tonnes of pulp 925 +20% ths tonnes of sugar
Player on the Russian market for cube sugar


Share of the Russian market for white cube sugar Based on average annual figures.
Producer of sugar in Russia


Share of sugar production in Russia
Average headcount
Meat segment
Financial results
48.5 +11% RUB bn Revenue 5.0 +209% RUB bn Adjusted EBITDA 10% +7 p.p. EBITDA margin
55 −22% ths tonnes of half carcasses 42 +30% ths tonnes of semi-finished products 30 +10% ths tonnes of offal 25 −10% ths tonnes of pork by live weight 126 +3% ths tonnes of large cuts and industrial product
Producer of commercial pork in Russia


Share of commercial pork production in Russia
Average headcount
Production figures
ths tonnes
of pork by live weight
ths tonnes
of combined feeds
Combined oil and fats business and NMGK
Financial results
139.9 +5% RUB bn Revenue 18.7 RUB bn Adjusted EBITDA 13% +1.4 p.p. EBITDA margin
Sales, bn tonnes
Oil and Fats Business Meal Industrial fats Crude vegetable oil Mayonnaise and mayonnaise-based sauces Bottled oils Consumer margarine NMGK Meal Industrial fats and food grade surfactants Mayonnaise and mayonnaise-based sauces Crude vegetable oil Consumer margarine and spreads Bar soap and oleochemical products 509 −15% 301 −22% 316 +6% 60 −22% 314 223 −22% −15% 149 +3% 112 −3% 32 −22% 15 23 −22% −22% 119 −22%
Average headcount
Oil and Fats Business
ths employees
ths employees
Oil and Fats Business
ths employees
of crude vegetable oil
ths tonnes
of meal
ths tonnes
of industrial fats
ths tonnes
of crude vegetable oil
ths tonnes
of meal
ths tonnes
of industrial fats
Position in Russia
№ 1
Consumer margarine


№ 1


№ 2


№ 1


№ 5


Agriculture segment
Financial results
56.9 +78% RUB bn Revenue 17.0 +74% RUB bn Adjusted EBITDA 30% −0.7 p. p. EBITDA margin
177 +9% ths tonnes of corn 137 +505% ths tonnes sunflower seeds 31 +533% ths tonnes of barley 5394 +66% ths tonnes of sugar beet 942 +15% ths tonnes of wheat 511 +245% ths tonnes of soya
Landowner in Russia
Average headcount
Land bank
ths ha
of land holding As of 31 December 2023.
ths ha
of arable land
ths tonnes
of sugar beet
ths tonnes
of grain crops
ths tonnes
of oilseed crops
Business model
Vertical integration lies at the heart of the Rusagro business model. The Company’s Sugar, Meat, and Oil and Fats Businesses operate on a full production cycle and are supplied with raw materials by the Agriculture Business.

This vertically integrated structure takes advantage of diversification to guarantee the supply of raw materials with minimal transport costs, and to effectively manage all elements of the value chain.

The high degree of vertical integration both within each business and between segments provides Rusagro with a competitive market advantage, high production efficiency, and financial stability. To maximise the benefits of each business, the Company has adopted a flexible commercial policy that does not restrict sales to third-party companies.

Agriculture Business Oil and Fats Business and NMGK Meat Business Sugar Business Pork by live weight Slaughtering and deboning Slaughterhouse waste disposal Marketing and sales Feed production grain crops Manure Cultivation and sowing Dressing and fertilising Harvest and storage Product sales oilseed crops Production of industrial fats and whey powder Production of consumer oils and fats and dairy products Extraction Marketing and sales Meal Sugar Filter cake beet Production of cereals Production of sugar from the extract Marketing and sales Production of sugar and beet

Agriculture Business

Sugar Business

Meat Business

Oil and Fats Business and NMGK


Agriculture Business

The Agriculture Business supplies sugar beet for the Sugar Segment, sells grain to the Meat Business for subsequent compound feed production, and supplies the Oil and Fats Business with soybeans and sunflower seeds when needed.

Sugar Business

Our entire harvest of sugar beet is sold to our Sugar Business. The sugar beet is delivered from nearby areas, minimising transport and logistics costs.

Pulp, molasses, raffinate, betaine, and filter cake are all obtained as by-products of sugar beet processing. The pulp and betaine are exported. The filter cake is used as fertiliser. At two desugarisation stations, an extract is obtained from molasses to produce additional sugar. Sugar and cereals are sold under our own brands. In addition, our sugar is used by the Oil and Fats Business in some sauce recipes.

Meat Business

Part of the grain grown by the Company is supplied to the Meat Business for its feed mills. The breeding facility rears young animals and improves pig breeds.

At the reproduction facility, piglets are reared for fattening and young animals are reared to replenish the herd. The meat processing plant produces finished products sold under our own brand. Waste products are sent for further processing, the products of which are used to manufacture compound feeds, thereby completing the production cycle.

Oil and Fats Business and NMGK

The Agriculture Business sells soya and sometimes sunflower seeds to the Oil and Fats Business for producing oils.

Oil is sold in bulk to third-party companies and is used by our own oil and fats plants to manufacture products marketed under our own brands. A portion of our meal, a by-product of the oil extraction process, is used for pig feed in our Meat Business. Industrial fats are used to produce spreads, sauces, cheese products, and soaps. Pasta products are also manufactured at NMGK enterprises. Our dairy processing plants produce products such as whey powder, cheese, butter, and cream.

Industrial products

Agriculture Business

  1. Sugar beet

  2. Cereal

  3. Soya

  4. Oilseed crops

Sugar Business

  1. Sugar

  2. Molasses

  3. Betaine

  4. Pulp

Meat Business

  1. Pork by live weight

  2. Half carcasses

  3. Offcuts

  4. Industrial cuts

  5. Meat and bone meal and blood meal

  6. Offal

  7. Inedible fat

Oil and Fats Business and NMGK

  1. Vegetable oil

  2. Industrial margarines and fats

  3. Edible surfactants

  4. Meal

  5. Fat products for HoReCa

  6. Whey-based dry industrial mixes

Consumer products

Agriculture Business

Sugar Business

  1. White sugar

  2. Cereals

  3. Muscovado sugar

  4. Brown sugar

  5. Coconut sugar

Meat Business

  1. Marinated meat

  2. Chopped meat

  3. Mince

  4. Sausages

  5. Kebabs

  6. Large, portioned, and small cuts

Oil and Fats Business and NMGK

  1. Bottled vegetable oil

  2. Margarine and spreads

  3. Cheeses

  4. Soap and oleochemical products At NMGK enterprisesat NMGK enterprises.

  5. Pasta products

  6. Coconut oil

  7. Cream

  8. Clarified butters

  9. Butter and spreads

  10. Mayonnaise and sauces including ketchups

Oil and Fats Business
Meat Business
Sugar Business
Where we operate
The Company’s assets are located in 15 different regions of the Russian Federation: the Belgorod, Tambov, Voronezh, Kursk, Orel, Sverdlovsk, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Saratov, Orenburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd, and Tula regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan, and Primorsky Territory. The Company’s head office is located in Tambov Region, with a separate division in Moscow.
Regional asset structure
Sugar plant capacity by region Not including the production capacity of the two molasses desugarisation plants.
39% Tambov Region 30% Belgorod Region 21% Kursk Region 10% Orel Region 2023
Livestock capacity by region
51% Tambov Region 28% Belgorod Region 21% Primorsky Territory 2023
Land holding (arable land) by region
44% Belgorod Region 24% Tambov Region 14% Primorsky Territory 8% Orel Region 4% Kursk Region 2% Voronezh Region 2% Saratov Region 0.3% Tula Region 2023
Sunflower seed oil extraction plant capacity by region
Oil and Fats Business 76% Saratov Region 24% Samara Region NMGK 70% Orenburg Region 30% Volgograd Region 2023
Tambov and Voronezh Regions 1 Belgorod Region Sverdlovsk Region 2 3 4 3 1 3 10 1 Sugar plants Cereal plant Sugar plants Pig farms Oil and fats plant 10 3 2 2 Pig farms Pig breeding farms Pig breeding farms Compound feed mills Ulyanovsk Region 5 1 1 1 2 Compound feed mill Abattoir and meat processing plant Abattoir and meat processing plant Grain storage elevators 1 Dairy plant 3 157 ths ha 265 ths ha Grain storage elevators Arable land Arable land Tula Region 6 Nizhny Novgorod Region 7 Republic of Bashkortostan 8 2 ths ha 1 1 Arable land Oil and fats plant Grain storage elevator (NMGK) Saratov Region 9 Samara Region 10 Orel Region 11 2 1 1 1 1 1 Oil extraction plants Oil and fats plant Oil extraction plants Oil and fats plant Sugar plants Grain storage elevators 1 2 1 2 49 ths ha Grain storage elevator Grain storage elevators (NMGK) Fats plant Grain storage elevator Arable land 14 ths ha 3 Arable land Grain storage elevators (NMGK) Orenburg Region 12 Kursk Region 13 Volgograd Region 14 1 2 2 27 ths ha 1 1 Oil extraction plants Grain storage elevator Sugar plants Arable land Oil extraction plants Grain storage elevators (NMGK) 1 Grain storage elevators (NMGK) Primorsky Territory 15 6 1 1 1 1 86 ths ha Pig farms Pig breeding farms Compound feed mill Abattoir and meat processing plant Oil extraction / oil and fats plant Arable land
Sales footprint
In 2023, Rusagro exported its products to 23 countries. Our main trading partners are the countries of southwest Asia and the CIS.
Oil and Fats Business and NMGK
Sugar Business
Sugar Business
Agriculture Business
Oil and Fats Business and NMGK
Sugar Business
Sugar Business
Agriculture Business
Belarus Abkhazia Serbia Moldova Turkey Israel Iraq Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan Mongolia China Hong Kong Vietnam Afghanistan Iran UAE Azerbaijan Armenia South Ossetia South Ossetia
Legal structure
Ros Agro PLC 100% Ros Agro China Limited 50% Sethal Holdings Limited Cyprus Hong Kong Cyprus 100% Rusagro Group PJSC Tambov 9.99% Rusagro Group LLC Tambov Others Sugar Business Agriculture Business 50% SoyuzSemSvekla LLC 100% Rusagro-Tsentr LLC 100% Rusagro-Invest LLC Voronezh Region Moscow Belgorod 100% Otyasskoye LLC 100% Rusagro-Sakhar LLC 100% Agrotekhnologii LLC Tambov Tambov Tambov 100% Primorskaya Zemlya LLC 100% Rusagro-Belgorod LLC 100% PrimAgro JSC Ussuriysk Belgorod Ussuriysk 100% RusagroEnergoSbyt LLC 100% Rusagro-Tambov LLC 100% BioTekhnologii LLC Tambov Tambov Tambov 100% Rusagro Tekh LLC 100% Krivets-Sakhar JSC 100% Kshenagro LLC Moscow Kursk Kursk 22,5% GK Agro-Belogorye LLC 100% Gerkules JSC 100% Otradaagroinvest LLC Belgorod Voronezh Orel Agropromkomplek- tatsiya-KZ LLP Kshensky Sakharny Kombinat JSC 100% Rusagro-NPK LLC 100% 100% Saratov Kazakhstan Kursk 100% Agromeliorant LLC 100% Ros Agro Trading Limited Sakharny Kombinat JSC Otradinsky Primorsky Territory Hong Kong 100% Orel 51% Meta-Agro LLC Belgorod 61% Astreya JSC Moscow Oil and Fats Business Meat Business 100% Zhirovoy Kombinat JSC 100% Rusagro-Zakupki LLC 100% Tambovsky Bekon LLC Yekaterinburg Saratov Region Tambov Samaraagroprom- pererabotka JSC 100% Moskovsky Provansal LLC 100% Rusagro-Primorye LLC 100% Moscow Ussuriysk Samara 100% Primorskaya Soya LLC 100% Rusagro-Altai LLC Ussuriysk Altai 100% Rusagro-Saratov LLC 100% TZZhBI OJSC Saratov Kazakhstan 100% Rusagro-Balakovo LLC 100% Rusagro-Atkarsk LLC Saratov Region Saratov Region 89.7% Molochnye Produkty Rusagro LLC 100% 杭州俄农贸易有限责任 Hangzhou Rusagro Trading Limited Samara Hangzhou, China NMGK corporate structure млрд руб. Источник: ИА «АПК-Информ» 0,01% 100% PKF Profit LLC 99.99% Sorochinsk Oil Extraction Plant LLC 99% NMGK-Infotech LLC 100% Sorochinsky Elevator LLC 100% Samara Fats Plant JSC 100% NMGK JSC 100% Uryupinsk Oil Extraction Plant JSC 100% Orenburg Oil Extraction Plant JSC 90% NMGK-Logistic LLC 100% Yermolaevsky Khleb JSC 100% Yekaterinovsky Elevator JSC 100% Balashovskaya Khlebnaya Baza JSC 100% NMGK Trading House JSC 100% Borsky Elevator LLC 51% Kaspiysky Morskoy Terminal LLC 100% Energoset NN LLC 100% Pestravska Station JSC 100% Uryupinsky Elevator JSC 100% Glushitsa Station JSC
Next chapter
Strategy report